V tomto roku som sa veľmi potešila rovno dvom spoluprácam s vydavateľstvom Buvik, ktoré sa u nás na Slovensku zamierava výhradne na detské knihy. Keďže z dielne Buviku vychádzajú iba kvalitné tituly, nezaváhala som ani na chviľu a kývla ako na knižku Básnička ti pomôže od Daniela Heviera začiatkom roka, tak na slovenskú klasiku Žabiatko od Ľudmily Podjavorinskej. Žabiatko vychádza v novej podobe po 26 rokoch. Ilustrovať takéto texty je vždy za odmenu. Ak popritom ešte aj mám voľnú ruku, je to splnený sen. Ďakujem!
Horses and Ponies Activity Book - A Real Challenge!
So much for me and my “enormous” talent for drawing horses - here Maria, why don’t you try a whole Horses and Ponies activity book and see how that goes! Tiny sneak peek of one of my most recent projects, soon to be published by Usborne. Can’t wait!
Few more from the poetry book!
Little by little I am closing up this poetry book project. The poems are just heavenly, I basically just put my legs on the table and the work does itself. Hopefully both the kids and the book buyers will like it :-)
Working on a book full of poetry for kids, how awesome is that!
I have been busy with a new book for preschoolers - I actually illustrated poetry this time! How cool is that! Can't wait to see it published, although it might take a while. Until then - will try to keep you posted with some sneak peeks and cute characters from the book.
More New Work Soon!
Hello there! I just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone! I have been terribly busy these last few weeks but things should get better soon and I will probably be able to post more work. Can't wait to share more illustrations, the project I have been working on are very lovely, all of them!